Resident DJ at Trishas, New Evaristo Club, 57 Greek Street, Soho, London. Host of the Sunday Rocking Club.
A Doctor in Philosophy, writer, Graduate in Music, speciality Piano, and DJ by chance, 60s music and dancing are two of her passions. She started conducting a regular sixties night in Trisha's every Friday and after that single nights at the Vinyl Bar, Queen's Head Picadilly and Trisha's. She plays whatever she loves for dancing. A Beatles fan that loves Blues, Garage, Psych, Rock, Pop, Mod, Freakbeat, Soul, classics and rarities. She dances all the time once the song is going...
My Club-a-gogo
Dr. Whatever gallery

Roy Quillian signature, from The Stoics :)

Transylvania Twist, London, October. Thanks to Richard, from The Fuzillis, for the pics.

Barrie Masters signature, from Eddie and the Hot Rods :)
The Vikings record, signed by the band :)
Florida garage from the 60s

La moto
Los Bravos, La Moto, 1966.